A-Z Bath Time Matching- Floating Memory Game

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Rub a dub, dub, making matches in the tub!

Use your memory to match these water-themed foam tiles while learning upper and lowercase letters. The game includes 26 pairs (52 total tiles) that float in water and stick to most bathroom surfaces. Float them face down and then stick them to the side of the tub after you find a match. Includes a drawstring bag to store tiles when bathtime is over, or take them with you because these are kiddie pool approved. Splish splash, we are making a match!

  • Bath, kiddie pool, and dry land approved!
  • Tiles float and stick to most bathroom surfaces.
  • Durable. Designed to last.
  • Learn capital and lowercase letters A-Z while you play.
  • Practice memory skills and build attention, concentration, and focus in little ones.
  • Includes 52 foam tiles (26 pairs) and a drawstring bag.
  • Matching games can nurture visual recognition skills.
  • A perfect first time matching game for preschoolers.

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